Silent Snow, Secret Snow – Or the Story of Mental Illness #horror #snow #winter #depression #autism

My husband asked me to watch this with him the other night and I recognized within it not only threads of my own history of depression, but of my nephew’s troubles with OCD, and a friend’s son’s autism. I think, somehow, it is also apt for grief. I felt very understood when watching it, and vaguely afraid, because it has a truth that can’t be denied for anyone who’s seen these issues up close and personal.

It’s also beautifully filmed. It’s worth your time to watch.

“Silent Snow, Secret Snow” (1934) is Conrad Aiken’s best-known short story, often included in anthologies of classic American horror and fantasy short fiction. It appeared in The Collected Stories of Conrad Aiken in 1934, and since then has been widely anthologized.

My husband found it was due to this fanvideo of it featuring a Joy Division song. A truly haunting match.